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Tuesday, May 23, 2006 ; 6:08 AMY
& I knew Our lOrf will LAST x3

haiisx...todaee duno howw criied how manii tymss...guess lett outt everiitiing barrsx...actualli dun wann wriite blogg derrsx....butt nth to do...sho siians..... todaee lkyy the whole world population all extinct....then sms Si...denn chatt chatt....hasx......WAa..siians..tmrr chinese oral....haiisx....shiit norrsx...heckk caress narr...tryy my bestt cann nerr...keesx..

Waa lao... suddenly tiinkiin... yy musx wearr uniformm to schh?..topiid nehh...sho ma fann..haasx....tiink todaee wriite shorrt short onlii barrsx...lky sho nth to wriite...yarr and HAPPY MONTH aNNIVERSARY TO SI!!...hahsx...duRRH...

[[LogGiie oFf]]

Monday, May 22, 2006 ; 6:55 AMY
& I knew Our lOrf will LAST x3

wo0 hOO~....hahhsx..dortsx..hmm..todaee..tiired all the waee..almostt gt blood shott eyes...or rather i HABB...hmm..todae morn. assembly..the whole patch sec. 3s gonE...coshh campp...sho derr shiiockk norr...sec4s sho poor tiing...haiis...*cough *cough....geesx....then whole dae chinese...super Wong giib us watchh [i Not tupiid 2] denn mostt of derr garlsx cryy dun habb worrsx...geesx...cryy enuff at home nerr...cryy forrh wadd..sum morr jusx a moviie..geesx....

Haiisx...once the prob. iish solve...everiiting will be over nerrsx.... i duno wadd i'm doiin lky fol lky tt....duno narrsx..suddenly feel tiis wae norrsx.....sum morr lky sho guilty... haiisx..i dun wann to iin order to make a bu changg or waddeva....and makee wrongg decisionns realli scared nerr.... berii sumbodyy tell me how? i'm jusx a liiar... am i??.....haiisx....helpp....

Can sumbody jusx tell me "i hate euu" to me?...hahsx...realli sott nerr...dortsx..arrgh.. I HATE EUU..... isit sho diificultt to saee....???? wadd the hell.... ppl sae i hate euu to me nerr..woo.. HOO~...keesx...SOT..hahsx..lalallsx...butt yy me sho happi? i also dunO...hhasx..

Even i saee no... iits nt the truth even i sae yeshh also nt the truth... aniiwae... i dun trust aniione..whyy wldd i expect others trust me? euu beliieve me?? ii dun tiink sho.. no one ****.......haiisx..i dun evenn dare to saee outt..lata kena scoldded.... i kcantt even sae wadd i wann to saee.... wadd else cn i ddo?? lky iin bomb shelther...bomb bOOm nerr also wunn diie...butt trapp insiide..GET IT?? haiisx...freakks...

Do i look lky i freakkiin caress..?hahsx... dortsx... i tiink i ddo.... butt i dun care tt i caress..... WAa... Chiim..butt aniiwaee.... I'M A SINNER......imperfect ME...keesx..sho kcant expect aniithin perfect huhh..?hahsx....*bwiinqs...ii tiink forrh a longg tym..and the bestt waee iish not to caress..... iif i dun caress i will nt gett hurtt... selfiish huhh..? coshh i might jusx gt killed coshh no protection....CRAP

hahshx...doiis..blogg longg enuff nerr marrsx... triied my berii bestt to wriite longg nerrsx..hhasx..OUT OF POINT,,,

[[LogGiie oFf]]

Sunday, May 21, 2006 ; 12:13 AMY
& I knew Our lOrf will LAST x3

HaIIS...todae nebber go outt.....can ROT nerr arrs....sho siians noww.....nth to do..wann high also cant high...nebber high then tiink alot of tiings agaiin....haiisx...herghhh...sho fann noww.......todaee then realiise tt...onlii cryy out then cn lett outt then "fann" tiings.....haiisx......butt no tearrs....seriious norrs.....everii daee physco myselff to becomee sott..hahsx..butt denn nott badd leastt happy..... But berii tiired derr nehh...lkyy todaee alonee at homee.....haiisx..nth to do...sott also no funn...hahsx...

Results all sho flungg....haiisx dunn caress.....hopee Si can gt backk sch faster..orr ratherr tiis week the daees wldd pass fastt fastt....keesx...go schh...everiidaee chinese.....duno ddo wadd...Os chinese nerrsx...tymm damn fastt....haiisx...I WAN TO SAVE MONEY! sho damn hardd...thenn everiitym..wann go buyy tiings..hahsx...mushh controll nerr...haiisx..

Todaee...morrn. wakee upp....then at liivinq room watchh teevee untill noww...superr slackk norrsx....haiisx..diie keep haiis-ING...............

haiisx..wadd shldd i ddo nehhs.....hmm....alrdii tryy myy bestt..butt tiings still diin workk outt riight...hmm...noww majiiam i extra lkyy tt....butt i dun caress norrsx...berii tiired nerrsx...*lett the pastt habb peace.....hahsx.....whyy iish dere "regret" iin tiis world..? hahsx....noww i noee nerrsx..... to lett doshh "regretters" learnn deiir miistakes frmm deiir dere are 2 higher walls nerr......howw? nobadyy teachh me to cliimb... i habb to climb... ALONE

Dun blame me forr sho colld harrted..coshh tiis iish the waee iit shld bbe...hatee iish a strongg wordd to usee.....andd ii dun wiish to saee.....Buneos Aires...tiis iish awdd huiqi told me...a worldd of euur ownn...hmm.....butt my worlld will nt exiist..[hahasx.. crapps] durrh.....

waA sehh...took sho longg to wriite tiis blogg.. wriite sho manii crapps still lky sho shortt..waA pehh...hahas... wriite untill pekk cekk arrs...hahsx...ohh yarr..rmbb ytd.. wenn outt wiib Qi LIn and Ruyi...hahsx...berii funn..go buyy nana's presentt..heesx...then goiin IMM marrsx..then jay wallk... butt denn got fence... sho how?? hhasx... WE ACTUALLI CLIIMB THE FENCE! hahsx...fiirsty ttym sehh...butt then quiite paiin on my legg..hahsx..sho scarii butt funn... yeahh got another acheivementts norr...!! SOT..hahsx..!

kiies..iish tiis longg enuff..? shortt also dun blame me narrsx...sho derr lazii now..keesx..buaiis..

[[LogGiie oFf]]

Thursday, May 18, 2006 ; 12:36 AMY
& I knew Our lOrf will LAST x3

narr narr narr... UPDATIING nOW....hhasx....todaee majiiam cherrs come..eexcept MS KOH.....spoiil...hahasx...butt nvm.. quiite slackk earr iish realli berii jiia latt worrsx...iitchyy.. thann "lan" diiaosx....dortsxx...HELP...duRRh...hahasx..poorr Sii..haiisx..hope she gtt well soon..sho derr siianss now...

Wriite blogg also nth to wriite..coshh lata DAMN HIGH... realli sott resultts all sho buuanngss...waa.. preliim mux worrk super hardd norr...haiisx...June nd to go bckk schh..siianss der nehhs...hhasx...

tell me wad to do...tell me how to hate....tell me whu to trust...tell me wadd to beliieve... teachh me the bad... hiid me fromm the truth..runniin awaee frmm reality....onlii tiis will hate not to liive in darkness....hiidin at the corners..and prayy forhh help...'M INSANE ...keesx..hhaahsx...holiidaee mood...haiis brokee norrs..weekend buyy too muchh tiinqs..keesx...



[[LogGiie ofF]]

Thursday, May 04, 2006 ; 2:35 AMY
& I knew Our lOrf will LAST x3

hahaxx.... currently study CHEMISTRY......to0piid...berii diffcult norrx... coxx my weakkestt subb. siians ....sho wriite norrx....kekexx.... wo0...ho0... gt a SECOND ear holle...muhahahxx...fiinally.....But i still dun darre to change yett... cox the ear riing DAMn tight...hahaxx....waa lao.....ytd andd todaee onlii.... sho farr okkiies norrx...hope the followiin papers not sho difficultt narr.... lky okkies okiies norrx...but still tiings keptt happeniin narrx....sho durrh...haiis...dunno nehh... am i changiing forr the better orr worstt? haiis....really dunno wad now norr.....hoppe tiis ish me barrx......Now sho 'peaceful'...hahaxx... =p......keekxx...nose blockk last few daess...then now voiice still not normall....sho funni...hehexx..after miid- yearr....wann go playy narrx...dun least play forr a while..then berii fast Os nerr....siians...hehexx.. wibb Si morr...then also okiies narx....Si gt jiie fu...Qii gt herr ghostt..diie also noboddy carres..* Do euu tiink i freakkin caarees?? tiis ish all to0 to0piid..hahahaxx...... durrh...kiies backk to poiint..ooh yarr....toopiid nehh..mommi call me go KBOX.....then i stunn sehh...then ask wiib who..she sae wibb herr colleague.... i wass lky..: WTH... euu callin me to go wiib a go wibb a bunch of AUNTIIES...? NO WAE.....hahaxx...butt dunno nehh...i dunn wan wibb tt fatherr at home norr.... tokk to him cn shorten my life niiax...

Sho siians now..haiis....HELP AR!!!.....DIEIN!..... *losts hope on me barrs...if it ish me in euur blogg..if nt..then also lostt hopee barrs..... i am jux a NOBODDY! everiitin sho durh..... waa..todaee kena bully sehh...hahaxx..!! Beiin push..pull..hit..slap...COOL maN!!!...hahxx..then hiit backk...kekexx..durrh ..cant arrx..CHEM LKY SHIT MAN...heng..nt mdm tay sett derrx arr.....*phew.....if nt i tiink i flung most 3 Qs correct niiax....summorr multiple choice summorr.. then decide to jux readd......keekxx...

Mid-yearr nerrx..haiis..tym sho fastt.....zzZ...bought a tamagotchii...SOT sOt derrx...suddenly diie ishh fourth monster nerr norrx...siians....if diie agiian i Pek cekk nerr narr....hhaxx...tmrr gt libraay study agaiin...for mon. derrx...haiis...but better then sch daess nehh...cox release earrly marr..hehexx....hungryy now..mommi habben return home yet...HAIIS.....

*hopPeless ME

[[logGiie ofF]]

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